LUNATIC IS ALWAYS A CHARM DON'T YOU FEEL THAT CRAZY IS NOT ALWAYS A BAD OPTION TO GO FOR, NOT ONLY YOU HAVE FUN BUT YOU DO FIND YOURSELF IN THIS PROCESS WHICH KIND OF GOT FORGOTTEN ALL THE WAY AND THESE YEARS. SO, FOR A CHANGE LET'S FORGET THOSE RIGID, BOX STRUCTURES AND HAVE A LOOK AT SOME OF THE INSANE PROJECTS ALL OVER THE GLOBE!!!!! The Crooked House The Crooked House is located at Rezydent Shopping Center in Sopot, Poland. Designed by architect Szotynscy Zaleski, the building looks like a painting by a drunk painter. Built in 2004, the building is considered to be one of the most photographed structures in Poland. The Dancing House The Dancing House or Fred and Ginger is the Nationale-Nederlanden building in Prague, Czech Republic. The building was designed by Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Milunic and Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry. The construction of the building began in 1992 and was completed in 1996. The style of the modern glass building is known as dec...